Acupuncture for Young Looking Skin

Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of healing around today. This mode of therapy has been used since the time of emperors in China. Super sharp and very thin needles are inserted into acupuncture points scattered all over your body. The needles help boost the flow of energy or chi throughout your body. Acupuncture brings back harmony and balance into your body functions and improves your internal functions as well to enhance its natural healing methods.

Acupuncture can help treat dozens of body problems and disturbances including nausea, depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic headache, migraines, gastrointestinal dysfunction, disorders in the respiratory system and conditions in your muscular and nervous system.

Your face possesses a number of acupoints or acupuncture points. Targeting those key regions can help minimize wrinkles. This can also cut down the appearance of crow’s feet, brow wrinkles, and fine lines. Besides its effectiveness in restoring the normal functions of the muscular system, acupuncture can also boost the health of the skin’s underlying muscles as well as relieve and release tension on the major portions of the face.

Acupuncture provides longstanding benefits including the treatment of inflamed cells that can lead to the improvement of dermis countenance and skin tone. It also betters the production of elastin and collagen.

Acupuncture is definitely a mode of treatment you would want to try. It will surely balance your body functions that can help you get back your young looking appearance. The one thing to remember, however, is that you should only get treatment from a licensed acupuncturist. The insertion of needles on the wrong acupoints can result in nerve malfunctions, paralysis and even death.

There are now several spa centers and hospitals that offer acupuncture treatment. It is much better to seek treatment there since they have experts who have had good acupuncture training.

When it comes to defying the aging process, we need all the help we can get. Besides acupuncture, you should always make sure that your body is constantly hydrated. To attain this, you need to drink copious amounts of water to ensure good distribution of fluid all over the deeper layers of your skin.

Applying an anti-aging moisturizer that has natural ingredients such as Nano Lipobelle HEQ10, Phytessence Wakame and CynergyTK is quite beneficial since these are products that can help preserve the health of your skin. The last is an ingredient extracted from sheep’s wool. CynergyTK is composed of functional keratin which is a protein that the body needs to produce elastin and collagen. Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 is an antioxidant that protects the body from free ranging radicals. It can enter the deeper layers of your skin to get rid of free radicals effectively. Phytessence Wakame is some kind of Japanese sea kelp that may help you eradicate the harmful enzymes that damage hyaluronic acid. This acid is essential for the normal lubrication of collagen proteins.


Ivelisse DeJongh is a Miami acupuncturist and the medical director at DeJongh Acupuncture Clinic.