Treatments for yeast infections such as candida can be multi layered and acupuncture can be a treatment you may want to include in your treatment plan. A lot of sufferers of candida have used several over the counter drugs only to time and time again experience relapses. People who are considering alternative and natural healing therapies such as traditional Chinese medicine can discover that acupuncture can provide significant benefits in the treatment of yeast infections. A single treatment of acupuncture can help stimulate the immune system and boost its strength that can help your body in so many ways.
A person with an insufficient amount of beneficial flora in his/her system usually suffers from a weak immune system. Any problem in your immune system affects the pH balance in your body and can result in a ripple effect as well as an overgrowth of yeast in your body. The body can be infected with candida which can prolong your immune system’s imbalance causing the further development of candida- a vicious cycle!
How does one get infected with candida?
There is already a small presence of Candida albicans in your intestines and when this fungus grows out of control health problems such as sluggishness, allergy symptoms, food cravings, brain fog and other health problems can arise. Poor eating habits and antibiotics can result in the imbalance of beneficial flora in the body.
You can be prone to candida if you have deficiencies in your immune system due to certain conditions, such as immune system deficiencies that can arise for several different reasons. We can then infer that a strong immune system can indeed hinder the overdevelopment of candida in the body. Acupuncturists can help treat your candida problems and provide the patient with relevant event information that can be helpful for the successful treatment of the infection.
The Immune System and Acupuncture
One can get acupuncture to help strengthen his/ her immune system. If you are treating candida with the use of medications, or with the help of herbal medicine, you can also use acupuncture as a way to make the treatment more robust and to boost your immune system.
Candida thrives not only in the body but also in the environment. Interestingly, about 75% of the immune system is located in the digestive system. And so when acupuncture is used as a treatment for candida the aim of the treatment is to maintain an ideal pH balance and to strengthen the immune system. One certain occasions acupuncture can be attributed to the complete cure of candida.
Christina M. Prieto is a licensed acupuncturist in Orlando, FL. She is also the founder of Harmony Wellness Center.