Acupressure Techniques To Relieve Congestion And Pain In Your Nose And Face

Some of the worst symptoms of chronic sinusitis are congestion and pain in your nose and throughout your face. The remove this pressure behind your face, Chinese medicine practitioners have many natural remedies to choose from.

Intimately connected to acupuncture in Bellmore is a mode of therapy called acupressure. This therapy can be used on a limited basis on yourself although it also can be administered in-office.

Acupressure is directly based on theories behind acupuncture, using similar principles of activating selected acupressure points (acupoints) on the body. But, as you may have known for now, the acupoints are stimulated with pressure rather than needles.

The best body areas to start your acupressure journey for relieving problems is the areas around your eyes. And this is one procedure you can definitely administer on yourself.

Place your thumbs about halfway upon both sides of your nose. Firmly apply pressure on them against the cartilage in your nostrils. Maintain the pressure for thirty seconds (makes sure it’s not over thirty seconds since this time is considered more than enough time to apply pressure in this part of your body).

Do this as often as you can.

Next is another acupressure technique that’s designed to clear your sinus cavities and restore drainage in your nose. Apply pressure on the areas both side of the bridge of your nose next to the inner eyes using your index finger and left thumb.

Use the heel and fingers of your right hand and reach for the muscles at the back of your neck on both sides of your spine. Administer pressure for about a minute on all four acupoints. (If someone asks what you are doing, tell them it’s a new yoga posture).