Acupressure Therapy Is Both A Form Of Massage Therapy And An Energy Medicine

A few years, ago, in Taichung, Republic of China, the China Medical University School of Nursing did a double-blind clinical trial on premature infants. These infants were given acupressure or meridian massage therapy for 10 days, 15-minute each session, three times each day. During the treatments before the feedings, the treatment group was administered with acupressure kneading applications and stomach meridian massage and also had their stomachs rubbed.

Researchers observing the treatment group and the control group (who were given conventional care) researchers noticed something interesting. While the initial week of the study led to no substantial difference between the two groups; the next week indicated that the weight of the infants in the treatment group was meaningfully heavier in the treatment group. These outcomes are positive since it means acupressure can be used as a natural and effective health modality that neonatal nurses can give (to premature infants) to activate growth and boost health.

What is Acupressure?

Acupressure is a form of treatment that’s much like acupuncture in Maitland. It is thousands of years old treatment that activates acupressure points along the energy channels of the body. Being a natural, noninvasive form of healthcare, acupressure is known to help eliminate blockages from vital energy of the body called Chi, thus restoring maintaining balance to the body whilst promoting self-healing qualities.

Acupressure is both a form of massage therapy and an energy medicine, and treatment is often painless. Moreover, needles aren’t required in this firm but gentle touch therapy.

Acupressure Therapy FAQs

Besides helping promote wellness and health in premature babies, acupressure can also is known to promote overall wellbeing in adults and children. It helps alleviate pain, bring back, restore balance to the body, improve immune system functioning reduce stress, increase blood flow, and develop overall wellbeing in adults and kids.

Some of the several health problems that acupressure can help treat include fibromyalgia, nausea (particularly, in cancer patients), and arthritis, and back pain to name a few

What type of people can administer acupressure?

While there are community courses available that provide the simplest acupressure methods for healing oneself, there are an increasing number of Oriental medicine colleges and massage therapy schools that offer certificate acupressure programs. Whether it’s a training program or offered form of acupressure, the therapy’s teachings often involves the uses and history of this ancient art and also of Traditional Chinese Medicine principles. Other associated studies include meridian therapy, Five Element theories, physiology, anatomy and pathology.

Professional certification in acupressure can be achieved on a National level through the ABT (Asian Bodywork Therapy) exam, which is given through the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). However, examine your prospective course of study carefully to make certain that it meets all educational and State training requirements (for National certification level).

Because massage therapy is growing in demand, diverse and specialized training like acupressure is essential to holistic health and conventional health practitioners. As mentioned in the clinical trial above, nurses who have acquired training in infant acupressure may well gain an advantage in employment in neonatal units. Other conventional medicine practitioners like veterinarians and vet technicians are turning to acupressure training to better serve their equine and canine patients. Massage therapists who have achieved acupressure certification are better equipped to offer more in-depth bodywork treatments to clients; and can earn a substantially higher income by adding these educational credentials.