Acupuncture Can Be Much Better than Drugs in Relieving Herpes Symptoms

Herpes is a set of viruses that can cause certain kinds of diseases in humans. These viruses can cause cold sores, genital herpes and shingles, to name a few. Painful or itchy blisters and sores are just a few of the common symptoms that all forms of herpes can inflict. Medications are the usual Western conventional modalities to mask the symptoms. Western medicine still hasn’t provided a cure for herpes infections. Alternative and natural therapies are often much more effective when it comes to pain relief and cause less side effects than conventional modes of treatment. Certain types of these alternative and natural therapies have proven effective in herpes zoster treatment.


One of the most important components of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is acupuncture. This unique ancient Chinese healing art has been used for the treatment of dozens of health conditions for over five millennia. Acupuncturists state that life or vital energy known as qi circulates throughout the body via energy channels called meridians. This life energy nourishes and revitalizes the body enabling the body to thrive, reproduce and grow. When the qi circulation is slowed down or stagnates as a result of obstructions that have developed in the meridians, health problems arise in the body and the body experiences pain. Acupuncture is used exactly to clear out the obstructions in the meridians and restore balance in the body which enables the body to self-heal in the process.   This wonderful therapy involves the use of filamental needles that are pricked on certain parts of the body termed as acupoints or acupuncture points. Underneath these points lay the meridians and the acupuncturist selects the acupoint where blocked meridian lie in order to clear out the blockage or re-channel the flow of qi to restore circulation. There are over 2000 acupoints scattered throughout the surface of the skin. Western medical scientists argue that acupuncture works by activating the production and release “feel-good” neurotransmitters such as enkephalins and endorphins to alleviate pain and resolve other maladies. Acupuncture for the treatment of herpes is effective due to its versatility; it is also known to treat conditions such as flu and cold symptoms, addiction and infertility.

Herpes Zoster

This type of herpes usually occurs at the ages of 60 and beyond. Blisters and sores can manifest on the back and on the ribcage region, usually on one side of the body. Severe pain can be felt and sensations of tingling, burning and aching can be also experienced. After two weeks or more, the blisters normally heal by themselves although there are others who may feel nerve pain for a long time. Acupuncture can treat the symptoms of chronic and acute herpes helping decrease the duration and intensity of the pain. There are people who find acupuncture a very effective treatment and some of them have entirely been cured of their condition. Acupuncture therapy is entirely safe with no side effects at all.

Genital and Oral Herpes

There are, unfortunately very few research done on the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating herpes infection. Genital and oral herpes and Herpes zoster are entirely distinct from each other. Genital and oral herpes, last for a few weeks while the symptoms of a herpes zoster infection especially the pain can last much longer. The few studies that have been performed proved the effectiveness of acupuncture in resolving the symptoms of oral and genital herpes, helping prevent an outbreak of infections, and prevent repetition of the infection.

Goldfarb Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center
1339 Pleasant Valley
Way West Orange, NJ 07052
Phone: 973-325-8884