Acupuncture in Linwood serves as health care and medical treatment, which helps balance the flow of energy of life force known as Chi or Qi.In ancient times, humans experience pain relief when body parts are hit by rubbing their bodies into hard objects, such as stones, brambles, etc. Hence, the ancients began to use the stones or rocks to knock or even bleed themselves in order to reduce pain.
In traditional Chinese medicine, the practice of acupuncture is referred to as shinkyu or zhenjiu, which means acupuncture moxibustion. The term acupuncture describes a family of procedures involving the stimulation of points on the body using a variety of techniques, while moxibustion is the burning of the skin of the herb moxa.
In the past 2000 years, acupuncture moxibustion has prevailed in China and has spread throughout the world. In the past two decades, TCM clinics developed fast, which won their own praise from many patients who come from different countries. Wang Guoqiang, China’s vice Minister of Health and the director of state administrative Bureau of TCM submitted an application for the list of world Heritage of “Chinese Acupuncture Moxibustion” to the United Nations in September 2010.
Later on, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization or UNESCO deliberated and passed the application of China and proclaimed acupuncture moxibustion as well as the Beijing Opera as “Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.” This approval not only makes the legends of acupuncture and moxibustion shared more and more widely, but also puts the whole Chinese medicine development into a new stage.
Acupuncture for Kidney Management
New findings show acupuncture can stimulate the Shenshuacupoint (Bl 23), which can promote urinary function, decrease red and white blood cells in urine, lower blood pressure and alleviate swelling in patients. In a recent experiment, researchers used acupuncture to stimulate the kidney and blood channels and found that patients tend to expel more creatinine and urine.
This experiment explains that stimulating the two Shenshuacupoints helps regulate kidney activity. On one hand, acupuncture helps improve GFR via nervous reflex mechanism. On the other hand, it regulates reabsorption of renal tubule via the secretion of antidiuretic hormone. In addition, acupuncture can balance and deal with immune disorders in patients with kidney disease.
In a word, acupuncture for kidney management mainly depends on entire regulation. Recently, in the research of acupuncture and disease prevention, experts analyzed immune cells such as T lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocyte-macrophage system, red blood cells, natural killer cells, etc. and immune factors, such as cytokines, immunoglobulin and complement system.
When they used acupuncture to stimulate certain acupoints, the findings show that acupuncture can help regulate the overall immune defense system via double way, boost the immune system function, improve immunity, inhibit hyperactive immune response and make the immunization achieve a dynamic balance between internal and external environment.
After 10 days of acupuncture, medicated baths, foot baths in Chinese medicine osmotherapy, one patient from Libya showed obvious improvement. His creatinine declined from 1000umol/L to 900umol/L. His hypotensor has stopped and also, his urine volume increased from 40 mL to 300 mL in a day.
We sincerely hope more and more patients can benefit from Chinese medicine.