Psoriasis Coping and Support

Psoriasis symptoms often suddenly develop as a reaction to a number of triggers. This makes it essential for people with this disease to learn coping methods to avoid flares as much as possible.

One good way to start coping well with psoriasis is to monitor your flares so you may connect them with the triggers that start them. Most doctors conclude that based on their received complaints certain medications, infections, stress and dry skin are the common triggers for psoriasis flare ups. Keeping a journal to record your flares and identify their triggers is the best way to address your symptoms.

Making your family and friends sufficiently, or better yet, well-informed about your condition can help you avert the frequency of your psoriasis flares. Relationships are usually affected when your friends, companions and family become loathed by your lesions. You can inform them by telling them that psoriasis is not a contagious condition and they are not at risk of acquiring the disease from you in any way. This will help calm  their fears.

Care for your skin by keeping it always moisturized. Dermatologists state that keeping your skin immersed with moisturizers and emollients after the lesions have subsided is just as vital as when these lesions are at their worst. Use colloidal oatmeal or bath oil to pat your skin with after a warm bath and then immediately place moisturizers on your skin while it is still damp.

It is good to indulge in relaxation techniques or activities like yoga or meditation if you’ve got psoriasis. You can avail of acupuncture or psychotherapy if you are severely stressed out due to some unresolved issues.  You can also join a support group for psoriasis sufferers to find solidarity, comfort and answers with others who may be suffering from the same ailment as yours or have a loved one who does.  One good support group you can join is the National Psoriasis Foundation. This foundation can provide you with materials and support to help you better cope with your disease.

Eating a highly nutritious and well-balanced diet that is low in salt, sugar and fat can help lessen your psoriasis symptoms. Doing so not only neutralizes your psoriasis but also helps you avoid other conditions like obesity, depression, heart disease and diabetes. A regular healthy diet combined with regular exercise is the best way to cope with psoriasis as well as to control its flare ups.

Scott Paglia is a licensed and board certified acupuncturist in Bellingham, WA and provides master level pulse diagnosis, Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture in Whatcom County, WA.