Psoriasis Lifestyles and Home Remedies

Psoriasis comes about from a fundamental problem within the skin’s cells. Restoring balance to the skin cell problem is the number one treatment goal for any psoriasis patient. Some suggestions for the remedy of the causes and contributions to psoriasis are presented below.

Protein digesting enzymes – Impartial digestion increases the number of undigested protein in the bowel causing the development of compounds termed polyamines. The polyamines accelerate the production of skin cells. High levels of this compound are found in people with psoriasis. To address this problem, proper digestion is needed and taking protein digesting enzymes can help restore balance in skin cell production.

Low saturated fat, low sugar and high fiber diet – People with psoriasis are also found to have elevated levels of toxins produced by bacteria in the gut. The toxins contribute to accelerated skin cell production as well. To fight this issue, a low saturated fat, low sugar and high fiber diet is needed to establish a healthy gut. Sarsaparilla is a very good product that is purported to lessen toxins from the bowel. Probiotics can also help in limiting these bowel toxins in the body.

Omega-3 fatty acids– Leukotrienes are compounds that also contribute to the overproduction of skin cells and are found in high levels in people with psoriasis. This compound also causes the inflammation during psoriatic flare ups. Leukotrienes are derived from arachadonic acid that is often found in animals fats. Fatty acids like Omega-3 have been found to lower the levels of animal fats that contain arachadonic acid. Psoriasis sufferers have also low omega-3 fats in their body. Products that are rich in these beneficial fatty acids include onions, garlic, vitamin E and quercitin to mention just a few. Adding these products in your diet can aid in the reduction of psoriasis inflammation and in the psoriasis itself.

Milk Thistle and cessation of alcohol intake – Alcohol drinking weakens the liver and can worsen and/or bring about psoriasis. Alcohol can even add to toxin absorption from the gut and makes it more difficult for the liver to detoxify. Milk thistle has properties that strengthen the liver and help treat psoriasis.

Food allergy testing – Allergies can trigger psoriasis and allergy testing can be helpful for psoriasis patients in order to identify the foods and other factors that trigger their allergies. This will help them avoid these foods and other factors and help prevent psoriasis flare ups in the process.

Vitamins and minerals – Low levels of specific nutrients can bring about psoriasis. Nutrients that should be always in sufficient levels in the body include Vitamin D, vitamin E, glutathione, selenium, chromium, zinc and vitamin A among others.

Ultraviolet light – This has been seen effective in treating symptoms of psoriasis.

Foods to avoid:

  • White refined carbohydrates and sugar – These products feed bad bacteria in the gut that only adds to the toxins absorbed from the gut.
  • Red meat and saturated fat derived from dairy products. These foods contain arachadonic acid that causes overproduction of skin cells and psoriasis inflammation.
  • Alcohol – Although not a food product, the regular consumption of alcohol only serves to add to toxin absorption from the gut and weakens the capacity of the liver to detoxify toxins

Foods to increase:

  • Add to your diet more sources of fiber especially gluten-free grains, beans, lentils, vegetables and fruits
  • Make sure you ingest foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids – Taking in foods containing this anti-inflammatory mineral at least three times a week can greatly reduce your psoriasis symptoms and flare ups. Fishes rich in Omega-3 fats include tuna, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, herring, trout, and salmon. Other sources of Omega-3 include walnuts, hemp oil and flax oil
  • Seeds such as sunflower seeds, linseeds and pumpkin seeds do have a number of anti-inflammatory attributes such as zinc and essential fatty acids that prevent psoriasis and also make the skin healthy.
  • Quinoa, corn, tapioca, amaranth, millet, buckwheat and brown rice and other gluten-free grains
  • Rice milk, oat milk and unsweetened soy milk as well as other healthy alternatives to dairy milk.
  • Fruits that are good to the skin like papaya, kiwi, prunes and figs
  • Herbs and plants containing anti-inflammatory attributes like turmeric, cayenne pepper and rosemary
  • Vegetable juices like artichoke and beetroot, apples and carrots with a base of cucumber and celery, these are products that can help detoxify the liver.

Make sure you thoroughly chew your food – Besides this sit down whenever you eat your meal since this can better the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

As mentioned a while ago, ultraviolet light can help prevent psoriasis so sunbathing can be helpful as well for psoriasis because you get to take in copious amounts of vitamin D. Of course, you need to avoid getting sunburned since it can lead to a far worse skin disease like skin cancer. You can get UV light therapy using 295 to 305nm preferably thrice a week at 3 minutes per session.

Cut down on your stress – Manage well your stress levels by resorting to relaxation techniques and therapies like meditation, tai chi, yoga, moderate exercise and acupuncture.