Based on the latest study of Chinese medicine and acupuncture in the United States, a record 8.4 million Americans availed themselves of acupuncture treatment at some point in their lives. More than 2million of that number actually had undergone treatment just this past year alone. The idea of using needles to alleviate pain was introduced in 1971 by a New York Times columnist named James Reston and since then, the media has been reporting about Eastern medicine ever since. Obviously, Chinese medicine is not only defined by acupuncture treatment. This type of medicine also uses a wide range of herbal remedies and herbal medicines.
A huge number of Western medical practitioners are at a loss as to how acupuncture works which makes them question its validity. But the truth is, a lot of theories have been formulated to explain why and how Chinese medicine and acupuncture are successful at resolving certain health conditions. One such theory is the “Gate Control” theory, in which it is believed the acupuncture causes pain signals to move slowly through the internal highway of the body.
One can produce and release endorphins by applying small thin acupuncture needles in the body. A large amount of endorphins are created that move much quicker and snuff out the pain signals from the body as they move. Because the signals are eliminated and/or blocked, the sensation of pain actually never reaches the brain.
The “Electrical” theory is another Chinese medicine theory which states that the body is continuously discharging weak electromagnetic energy. This energy is exploited by Chinese acupuncture which leads to changes in chemical neurotransmitters. British researchers in 1999 discovered that collagen was a strong conductor of electricity. Mae Won Ho M.D., says that “collagen fibers may actually be the energy channels known as meridians of in the body. Therefore, when a needle is inserted into the skin, it generates a local electrical stimulation that then enables the positive electrical current to be conducted to certain distal sites.”
Each person reacts to Chinese medicine and acupuncture in their own unique way. There are people who feel no pain at all while some may experience minimal pain as the needles go in. some may feel a tingling sensation or soreness at the site where the needle is inserted. Some may feel calm while others become invigorated after a session of Chinese acupuncture. A lot of patients come back for more treatment because it helps them fall asleep fast and it helps rid them of everyday stress.
People will know they’ve pushed themselves too hard that weekif they feel a little bit of discomfort during a certain treatment session. We would be in better physical and mental shape if we all just slowed down for a moment.
Bhakti Acupuncture
7550 France Ave S #220
Edina, MN 55435
Phone: (952) 230-1212