For eye health issues, acupuncture can certainly be used as an alternative form of treatment. A lot of individuals have derived benefits and results on their overall eye health with acupuncture. Research efforts demonstrate that this treatment may resolve dry eye syndrome and other eye conditions.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a healing procedure that utilizes thin needles stuck through specific points on the skin of a person. Western medicine is still unsure as to how acupuncture works but somehow it has proven to provide alleviation of nausea and relief of pain relief associated with cancer therapies.
Ancient historical documents have been found depicting the use of acupuncture in Korea and Japan although it is believed to have originated in China. Acupuncture in Bellingham is basically designed to restore health and balance by manipulating vital energy (Qi) flow through unseen pathways radiating from the head down to the toes. These pathways, called meridians, are distinct from blood vessel and nerve pathways.
Studies show that local aggregations of specific neurotransmitters by nearby nerves can be controlled by the application of needles and may probably be the reason for acupuncture’s beneficial health effects.
Eye Conditions and Acupuncture
For certain individuals, an eye disease or problem can be a manifestation of an internal imbalance in the body. Any imbalance that may result in symptoms acupuncture can adequately address. Acupuncture eye treatment is designed to boost the flow of blood and Qi surrounding the eyes. This therapy at times is used as an alternative way of curing chronic dry eye syndrome.
Some acupuncture studies have demonstrated a decrease in the temperature of the surface of the eye that aids in lessening tear evaporation throughout the day. This procedure can also be used to address glaucoma, an eye condition affecting the optic nerve that’s typically caused by abnormal pressure bearing on the eye.
In a certain study, eye pressure was significantly reduced after acupuncture. One other study revealed that acupuncture treatment led to a successful reduction of symptoms of inflammatory and allergic eye disease.
Acupuncture Points Around the Eyes
This is a list of acupuncture points that are often used to strengthen the health of the eye:
1. SJ 23 (San Jiao) – This acupoint is situated on the outside part of the eyebrow in the hollow area. Acupuncturists believe it is a point that can be used to relieve facial and eye pain including facial paralysis, eye toothache, blurred vision, eye pain, redness, and headaches.
2. UB 1 (Jingming) – Jingming in Chinese literally translates to “bright eyes.” It is a point found in the eye’s inner corner and is believed to help move blood and Qi to the eyes to treat eye problems such as blurry vision, conjunctivitis, night blindness, glaucoma, and cataracts.
3. Yuyao – One can find this point right above the pupil in the middle of the eyebrow. It is used to treat swelling, redness, cloudiness of the cornea, ptosis, eyelid twitching, and eye strain.
4. UB 2 (Zanzhu) – Found in the crease of the eyebrow’s inner end, the zanzhu is the point used when patients complain of glaucoma, eye twitching, redness, tearing, pain, blurred vision and headache.
5. GB 1 Tongziliao – GB 1 can be found on the eye’s outside corner. It is used to brighten the eyes. When this point is stimulated it can help treat conjunctivitis, cataracts, dry eyes, photophobia (sensitivity to light), eye pain, redness, and headache.
What You Should Know
So far, the best form of treatment for people suffering from eye disease or significant eye problems is one that combines acupuncture and conventional Western treatment. Acupuncture is a valid and safe alternative treatment for people with eye problems who have not found a cure from conventional treatments.