Also known as alternative medicine, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a very important component of today’s health care system. Many of TCM’s treatments are used to alleviate dozens of symptoms, resolve various disorders, and even lessen the growth of cancerous cells. Two of TCM’s most important modalities, herbal therapy and acupuncture offer people the chance of an active, healthy life.
TCM, for thousands of years, has been deemed to be one of the most effective and versatile therapies for many ailments. These days, many people all around the world believe in the powers of this healing system, and because of the Internet, are able to make an informed decision on the subject.
Compared to modern Western medicine, Chinese medicine is a lot different in its philosophical concepts and is based on age-old beliefs that originated in China. Practitioners of Chinese medicine believe that treating the whole person is essential in order to restore vitality and give the body what it needs to become balanced and harmonious. Different types of modalities are utilized and millions of people aver that Chinese medicine has made their life much better.
With the help of traditional Chinese medicine, the body’s normal function can be very well maintained. Herbal treatments, acupuncture, and massage are utilized and are well presented online, explaining their recommended uses and specific advantages. To appreciate how TCM works, it is crucial that people understand the concept of yin and yang as well as the existence of vital energy or Chi (Qi) in the human body.
Chinese herbal medicine is perhaps the most important component of traditional Chinese medicine. This form of healing modality can help restore the body into wellness and health in a natural way. There is a huge variety of herbal ingredients used to help restore balance to the human body and many of these ingredients are commonly used around the world due to their potency, availability, safety, and usefulness. Chinese herbal therapy has specialists that still follow very old and rarely modified traditions. The herbs they use possess diverse agents that fortify and strengthen the body that are combined into a formula to address the specific needs and constitution of the patient.
You can research a wide variety of Chinese herbs on the Internet to find out what herbs work best for you and it is essential that you read about them. You’ll find natural herbs that can help improve digestion, enhance relaxation, and boost the health of the skin and hair. There are also a lot of herbs that can help treat female and male sexual disorders and herbs that can help alleviate mental and physical ailments as well as pain.
Because it is a safe and natural healing alternative for diseases and disorders, Traditional Chinese medicine has been the subject of controversies brought about by the profit-driven Western pharmaceutical and Western medical cartel. They accuse TCM as being mostly placebo and that it follows a pseudo-scientific method. Some even say that the herbs have no therapeutic value whatsoever while others report that they generate negative side effects. As a result, herbal medicine has been marginalized and people end up being misinformed. Thankfully, the Internet is able to give this major branch of alternative medicine a chance to fairly present itself and as a result, people are much able to comprehend the incredible benefits and importance of its products. The fact is most of the pharmaceutical products manufactured and used today by Western medicine are derived from these herbal products.
Chinese herbs and their uses have long been studied by scientists. What they have discovered is that these herbs have extremely potent effects, providing the body with essential vitamins and minerals that help raise the energy levels of the body. Many of the herbs are widely known for tonifying and reducing stress levels in the body. Chinese green tea, for example, helps restore vitality and millions of people around the world go to the Internet to purchase these products.
The World Wide Web has given us a chance to know, access, and purchase a wide variety of Chinese herbal products. They are used for different purposes, as each herb may possess one or more health-enhancing benefits. Some herbs can help you lose weight as they can provide you with extra energy to exercise or help suppress your appetite. Herbal remedies that are very popular are sold as tea, pills, tablets, or capsules. They may lessen mood swings or stimulate the nervous system or, on the contrary, may bring about a pleasant state of relaxation.
You may be able to find a Chinese medicine treatment for every ailment known to man. All around the world, people believe in this treatment and prefer it over the dangerous modalities offered by Western conventional medicine.
Amy-SuiQun Lui, L.Ac.
Asian Health Center
27059 Grand Army of the Republic Hwy
Cleveland, OH 44143
Tel: (440) 833-0983