Tui Na, also known as Chinese Massage therapy is a one-of- kind technique based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. The massage therapist uses his hands, feet, elbows, and arms to apply pressure on the specific points or areas of a client who remains fully clothed while receiving a variety of effective massage techniques.
Tui na is used for stress and pain relief and has been used continuously for over three millennia in China.
Those points or areas are known as acupuncture points and the stagnation of energy or chi in those areas cause fatigue or stress and the rise of all sorts of pain in the body.
The key areas that can help improve the flow of energy are the acupuncture points; eliminate the blockage in those points and stress and pain will be eventually relieved. Tui Na therapy involves several types of pointing, pressing, pushing, robbing, and rolling techniques. These methods not only work on the skin level but, more importantly, also penetrate deeply into the acupoints. This is the main difference between Chinese Massage therapy and other conventional forms of massage. In a lot of instances, the person receiving tui na becomes energetic once again and experiences instant pain relief. This therapy cures insomnia, panic, stress, sciatica, headaches, and migraines. It accelerates the healing of carpal tunnel syndrome, injuries in the joints, and arthritis as well as balance people with chronic illnesses by strengthening their immune systems and reduce pain. Acupressure is another type of Chinese massage therapy that involves the application of pressure using the practitioner’s finger or thumb to an acupoint(s) to resolve an ailment. Tui na integrates both conventional massage and acupressure.
Tui na in Overland Park has been shown to substantially improve:
• Fatigue
• Stress Disorder
• Weak Digestion
• Sport Injuries
• Neck/Shoulder Pain
• Low Energy
• Insomnia
• Headache
• Back Pain
Scar Tissue Break-down
For people experiencing chronic pain or stiffness in the joints or muscles or for those who have lost mobility, Tui na therapy can be used to break down scar tissue to improve range of motion and relieve soreness.
Soft Tissue Injury Treatment
Therapeutic Tui na procedures which include manipulation of the soft tissues of the body can help alleviate pain and stiffness related to a range of injuries of soft tissue including sciatica, low back pain, and frozen shoulder.
Better Emotional Health
Tui na therapy can be physically relaxing which can help improve overall health and well-being and alleviate tension and stress. However, practitioners believe that obstructions to chi circulation throughout the body can impair a person’s mental health resulting in depression and anxiety. Tui na massage helps to rebalance the chi and eliminate layers of emotional stress that can accumulate over time.
Higher Energy
Tui na therapy has been shown to increase energy levels and activate energy in the body by restoring balance to the flow of chi within the body. Its stress-reducing abilities can also bring about a general sense of well being and better quality sleep.
Circulatory Problems
The main responsibility of Tui na massage is to rechannel the circulation of chi and promote circulatory health throughout the body. The circulatory system is re-energized and stimulated by the use of various manipulation techniques on some pressure points in the body.
Acupressure Massage Therapy
The main aim of acupressure is to relax, heal, and promote uninterrupted flow of chi throughout the body. Acupressure massage therapy:
• Alleviates tension and stress
• Lowers blood pressure
• Cures problems related to depression and lessens anxiety
• Helps maintain normal menstrual patterns.
• Enables the body to profoundly relax
• Raises spiritual and mental awareness
• Helps lessen labor pains
By reducing stress, acupressure promotes wellness and strengthens resistance to disease. It helps the body resist illness and to adapt to changes in the environment. Some acupressure points can help reduce chest tension and helps you to breathe deeply.
This therapy can also be used to enhance your appearance as it has the ability to relax and tone your facial muscles, which can reduce the wrinkles in your face. It can also be of help to psychotherapy patients as it can restore emotional balance by releasing built up tension resulting from repressed feelings.
Acupressure can be a great treatment for sinus conditions. The main goal of this therapy is to restore the body back to its natural balance and allow nature to take its course. It reinforces all the systems of the body and enables you to enjoy a harmonious life and a healthy body.