Tonsillitis oftentimes occurs in children. A child 10 years old and below is particularly susceptible to this condition. The reason why young children are highly at risk to develop tonsillitis compared to teens and adults is because their immune system is not yet fully developed. As the child grows up, his tonsils shrink in size making the occurrence of tonsillitis highly unlikely as he ages. Among babies and toddlers, tonsillitis caused by a virus is more common while in older children and adults, their tonsillitis may be more caused by bacterial infection than anything else.
Another risk factor for tonsillitis is when a person suffers from mononucleosis. Adults very seldom develop tonsillitis. Almost 80% of adults in the United States still have their tonsils. There are occasions when the tonsils, throat and surrounding areas become infected. When this happens the person suffering has tonsillitis called pharyngitis which is more severe than a typical tonsillitis. Tonsillitis can lead to pharyngitis.
Children who are regularly subjected secondhand smoke at home have a much greater chance of needing surgery for repetitive tonsillitis compared to children from smoke-free homes. Sadly, about 20% of all tonsillectomies done in the U.S. are attributed to secondhand smoke.
Another high risk for tonsillitis includes people suffering from nasal obstruction. This forces you to respire using your mouth upping your chances for developing tonsillitis. Other risk factor includes frequent contact with a person who has been infected with tonsillitis.