Auricular acupuncture or ear acupuncture for weight loss may sound painful, but it’s deemed to be one of the most effective ways to help people lose weight. Auricular acupuncture for the loss of weight involves stapling a part of your auricle or outer ear with a surgical wire. According to ancient acupuncturists, your outer ear contains pressure points that can help stop your cravings. This different type of acupuncture treatment works well for both chain-smokers and heroin addicts alike so they may be able to kick off their bad habits. It is now seemingly used to help curb food cravings as well, enabling you to lower your pounds by eating less of what you would eat normally.
To be blunt about it, yes, auricular acupuncture will hurt.
Since it is the cartilage of the ear that will get inserted by a surgical staple wire, auricular acupuncture is a painful process based on what women and men who have had their ears stapled say.
To lower your appetite, the staple needs to remain on your auricle for about six weeks to three months. The staple will need to be repositioned once your body gets used to the staple wire being affixed to your ear. This means you need to return to acupuncturist who performed the stapling procedure and have him or her relocate the staple in a somewhat different position.
Testimonies from many women who have tried auricular acupuncture say that when they had their ears stapled, they felt pain on their jaws. The pain was so severe that they couldn’t chew properly and had difficulty opening their mouth. Some people believed this to be the reason they lost weight.
Risk of Infection
See to it that a qualified acupuncturist performs the procedure when you have your ear stapled. Auricular acupuncture can bring about severe ear infections if performed improperly. And because of the pain, some people may also not be able to sleep well at night.
Auricular acupuncture in Orlando is a unique form of treatment whose results may vary from person to person. Regardless of how effective this method works, experts believe that the best way to lose weight is to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet.