Clinical Trials Prove The Efficacy Of Auricular Acupuncture In The Treatment Of Insomnia

According to a study published in the JAMA (Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine), ear acupuncture or auricular acupuncture can be a viable treatment for sleeping difficulties/insomnia. Researchers who conducted the study collected data from 6 controlled randomized trials, which were all done in Hong Kong or mainland China. One … Continue reading

Clinical Study Proves Auricular Acupuncture Can Help People Lose Weight Naturally

According to a study published in Acupuncture in Medicine, auricular acupuncture is a good way to shed pounds off your body.

The study also suggested that in the immediate reduction of stomach fat, repeated stimulation of five acupuncture points is better than one point stimulation.

Auricular acupuncture treatment is founded … Continue reading

Using Auricular Acupuncture To Treat Chronic Stiff Joints And Acute Pains

Auriculotherapy or auricular acupuncture in Cleveland, more popularly known as ear acupuncture, originated in China. This form of therapy has been practiced in Asia for over two millennia and for almost a century in Europe. In the United States, it has been used for about five decades. Auricular acupuncture … Continue reading