Recent clinical trial outcomes have demonstrated acupuncture’s effectiveness in treating headaches. These days, more and more people are turning to alternative therapies because they are safe and more natural compared to Western conventional modes of treatment. An overwhelming number of people may still take the medications prescribed to them by … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Headaches
Acupuncture for Headaches
More often than not, people will use painkilling medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen for their headache pain. What they need to know is that there are alternative therapies available that can help with their headaches, and they may find incredible result from those therapies.
One such powerful alternative … Continue reading
Symptoms of Headaches
People can suffer different symptoms from their headaches although there can also be many shared similar symptoms. The pain often is felt behind the eyes, across the forehead or right between the eyes and can result in an inability to concentrate, mild to extreme fatigue and weariness.
Symptoms of Tension … Continue reading
Headaches – Preparing for your Appointment
When getting prepared to visit your doctor for your headache problem, the best way to make the most of your visit is to write down everything you know about your headache providing your doctor with as much information of the characteristics, causes, frequency, severity, medications of your headache and other … Continue reading